How many treatments will I need?

Your therapist will expect to see positive results within 2-4 treatments for common symptoms. However, it must be emphasised that each individual is unique therefore some people will require more or less treatment before their symptoms improve.


How effective is osteopathic treatment?

Government and medical studies have consistently shown osteopathy to be less expensive, use fewer drugs and have higher patient satisfaction than conventional medical care for back, neck and other musculoskeletal pain.

Do I need a referral from my GP?

No, simply make an appointment with a Bodyunity practitioner directly. Like going to the dentist, you do not need a referral from your GP, however increasingly GP’s are referring patients to osteopaths. Osteopathy is a complementary form of treatment and works well when used in conjunction with medical treatment.

Is osteopathic treatment covered by my private health fund?

Like dental work, osteopathic treatment is covered under the ancillary or extras cover of major health insurers. We offer instant rebates via HICAPS. The rebate varies depending on your health insurer, so check the details of your policy.

Is osteopathic treatment covered by Medicare?

Yes, Medicare now covers osteopathic treatment in certain conditions. If you suffer from chronic pain, your GP can refer you to an osteopath for up to five free treatments each year. You must have a referral from your GP, so talk to them about an Enhanced Primary Care (EPC) plan.

Is osteopathic treatment covered by Workcover or the Transport Accident Commission (TAC)?

Yes, however typically at Bodyunity we do not treat Workcover or TAC patients.

What about my current gym or exercise program?

Your osteopath will conduct a thorough assessment of body movement and structure. They will recognise any aspects of your exercise program that may be contributing to your condition. You may only need to incorporate some simple exercises into your routine, or alternatively, you may need to significantly modify your routine until your condition is resolved.

Is osteopathic treatment safe?

The risks associated with osteopathic treatment are very low, particularly when compared with the risks associated with taking pain relieving medications that are readily available in pharmacies and supermarkets.